Babak Mamaqani, PhD - PB&A Inc


Dr. Mamaqani joined PB&A upon earning his PhD in Structural Engineering from the University of Texas.  He has had more than 5 Years of Experience in the design of Engineering Projects within the Construction, Structure, and Pipeline Industries.  He served the University of Texas for three years as a Graduate Teaching Assistant.
Since he came on board in July of 2014 he has designed earth retention systems for the Apple Campus II in Cupertino, CA and is working on the Hope and Broadway Station for the Los Angeles Metro Regional Extension Project.  Babak quickly took up the reins for the engineering of the 4 Stations at the Metro Westside Extension, La Brea/Wilshire, Fairfax/Wilshire, Western/Wilshire and La Cienega/Wilsire.  He is proficient in the use of the analytical program, DeepExcav, and has utilized this capability to find the most economic solution for each of the Stations for the Regional and Westside projects, Many of then with a depth of almost 100 feet.

Babak took his P.E. Exam in 2015 and passed the first time! Congratulations!


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